
Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Mon Jul 20, 09 11:39 am Board Meeting Minutes - July 2009 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes:
July 10th, 2009
Stevenson Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Mark Barnes, Nicole Doolittle, Henry Rico, Janet Erjavac, Pepi Gerald
Absent: Steve Fisher, Jim Grady, Adam Monaghan, Forrest Rae, Brett Kelly, Nate Appel
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Meeting called to order at 6:08 p.m. by President, Mark Barnes
Introduction of BOD
Open Membership time:
Nak – Thanks for what you guys are doing.
Janet - BOD is covered. She’s still working toward yearly event insurance. She is still working on getting three quotes for a cost comparison. One company can’t give quotes right now because of the paddleboarder who passed. The other two are still working on it. Right now we can’t get event insurance for a year but we can get it per event. It would be about $500 an event.
Nak – You guys might want to talk to a liability lawyer to see how much insurance we really need. Its like $100 and they might be able to save you guys money.
Janet –Scott the guys from the Port is working on quote for us.
Nicole - Flyers are really expensive
Nak- I have a laser printer and we can print those out pretty cheaply.
Nicole went over Blowout plans. Slingshot is sponsoring the event. They will cover the insurance and bring swag to give out. Dave will bring Slingshot flags and a tent. We are renting a big BBQ for the event. We will need volunteers. She made the website today. Nicole showed
The fees for the event will be
$40 for members
$60 non member
$70 for non members day of
Blowout budget – Motion made to approve budget, Mark seconded it, approved.
We will throw out an invite to the windsurfers if they want to join.
Henry - $6991 in banks, $1095 Insurance for the year & $150 refund for Kitenaked going out today
LLC info
Nak - We should incorporate. We should do it in Washington. Everything can be done in Washington a lot easier. Most of it can be done online.
Henry we are a not for profit with Oregon but we don’t have 501c3 through fed.
Janet will go through the legal referral for an attorney regarding the insurance if we needed to do that.
Henry will get the articles of incorporation.
Pepi – Andrew has cleared out some sections. There is one pile that’s right in the way. Lets do a small work party and get it cleaned up. He will keep us posted on the clean up date. Let’s get 5 or 6 people out there to move the stuff. Oregon State Park is taking the lead on it so we are just volunteers helping out. Lets get the landscapers who wanted to help involved.
Demo Days –
Lets do it in mid August. How about the weekend after KB4C. Maybe 15th. Janet and Pepi will plan the Demo day.
Overlapping Gorge Events
They were concerned about the windsurfing event and the kiteboarding event being on the same day. Steve has been in contact and everything has worked out.
Sandbar tabled till next meeting, seconded, approved.
Meeting adjourned 7:35pm
Minutes Submitted by:
Nicole Doolittle |