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haven't kited in a few years, kites still good?

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Since 08 Feb 2010
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PostTue Oct 25, 22 10:21 pm    haven't kited in a few years, kites still good? Reply with quote

I had kids and haven't taken the kites out in 5 years. What's the chance they are still in working order? They are 8 year old kites.
Captain kook; always wrong.

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Since 19 May 2005
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PostTue Oct 25, 22 11:22 pm     Reply with quote

As long as they were stored dry, I'd say the only possible issue would be valves possibly coming loose on the bladders. Pump them up and see if they hold the original pressure for a few hours. If you lose pressure, even one PSI, you probably have a slow leak with the valves that may get worse. If you hold steady pressure for two or three hours you should be good.

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Since 11 Sep 2017
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PostWed Oct 26, 22 1:28 am    Old Gear vs. new Reply with quote


Take NAK's advice it's a good start...that said think about the experience you are after.

In the last 8 years they've made some improvements - some bigger than others. Consider the features and experience you have today with a new car vs. 8-10 years back. Yes you can drive a 2010 Honda Odyssey with no back up cam but is that what you really want to do with any precious time you get on the water?

My .02 make life the best you can - You ONLY get one Smile


42, the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything Smile

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Since 19 May 2005
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PostWed Oct 26, 22 8:12 am     Reply with quote

BTW, depending on what kites you have, you may still have the old "beach ball inflation valve." If you do, the new inflation valves are an order of magnitude better. Worth upgrading just for that reason. Damn, I don't miss those old POS valves at all. WAY easier to pump up a kite now. Plus McLovin is correct, kites have gotten a lot better.

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Since 29 Oct 2007
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PostWed Oct 26, 22 8:50 am    What kites? Reply with quote

What brand and model kites? Some kites were shit at that time, and others were pretty good.

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Since 12 Nov 2008
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PostWed Oct 26, 22 5:54 pm     Reply with quote

Sell the kids, buy new ones.

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Since 13 Mar 2012
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PostWed Oct 26, 22 9:20 pm     Reply with quote

Man I don't know how we even kited 8 years ago. The equipment was soo bad back then.

Was kiting safe 8 years ago - YES
Was kiting fun 8 years ago - YES

have there been improvements to kites in the last 8 years - YES

Should everyone go out and throw away their 8 year old kites and buy new - Well if you've got the money burning a hole in your pocket then yes... Otherwise, enjoy your crispy old kites and get your money's worth.

That being said, check the bladders for leaks before heading to the water. Pump up and leave overnight. Pinch the valve clips. If air leaks out the next morning when you unpinch the clips you have a bladder issue that needs to be repaired.

Also - Just for the record I have some kites from back in 2012 that I still use (big kites for vacations).

*** After re-reading the OP's post I edited from 5 years to 8 years, but all arguments still apply. I will concede we are getting into the timeframe that Pete's comments have merit. ***

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Since 08 Feb 2010
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PostThu Oct 27, 22 8:46 pm     Reply with quote

Alright. thanks for the info guys. My kites are F-One from I don't remember what year. I think the model name was maybe "Bandit". I know they had the fatter bladders and a year or two after I bought mine they updated the model and have it thinner bladders if that gives anyone a clue as to what year they might be.

Anyway I'll pump them up and leave them in the basement for a bit to see if they hold air. And i'll look into getting new kites.

Anybody have recommendations on a good pump? I never did it but I always planned on getting a good one with longer travel than the standard model. I'm 6 feet tall and I hate how far I have to bend over for the short pumps.

Captain kook; always wrong.

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Since 11 Sep 2017
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PostThu Oct 27, 22 9:37 pm     Reply with quote

Any tall pump is fine - something like the WMFG black one everyone has 3 of...

They have 2 modes double and single to speed inflation and still allow ease for the last few PSI to get 'em tight - if in doubt just keep PUMPING Smile

Bandit's are actually a kite that's been a longer lived design so you may have more hope that we thought - good luck. Either way start saving for your new quiver now $



42, the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything Smile

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Since 19 May 2005
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PostFri Oct 28, 22 12:07 am     Reply with quote

Youkai wrote:
Anybody have recommendations on a good pump? I never did it but I always planned on getting a good one with longer travel than the standard model. I'm 6 feet tall and I hate how far I have to bend over for the short pumps.

It depends on your inflation valve. If you have the old beach ball valve then the pump doesn't matter very much as long as it's tall. If you have a bigger inflation valve with low resistance, then it's really hard to beat the new Slingshot/Ride Engine pumps. I had four of the WMFG pumps, those used to be my favorite. But the new Slingshot pumps are an order of magnitude better. Pumping up a kite is pretty easy now, IMHO. I used to use CO2 to pump my kites; no real reason to now. The new pump has a much improved external air path; it's way easier to pump. I got rid of all but one WMFG pump, keeping it as a spare.

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