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Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Tue Feb 01, 11 1:25 pm CGKA 2011 Election |
It�s election time again.
This year we have 6 open positions. There are so many spots to make the voting easier please just vote for 1 person you do not want on the board.
2 of our past board members Forrest Rae and Pepi Gerald are up for re-election as well as 5 new people which means we have 7 people for 6 spots.
Please vote for only 1 person � this needs to be the person you DO NOT want on the CGKA board
PM me if you have questions voting will last until Feb 8th.
Pepi Gerald - up for re-election
1. Name, age, employment and number of years kiteboarding?
Pepi Gerald, 41, Co-Owner of 2nd Wind Sports. Kiteboarding since 1999.
2. Number of years living in the Gorge area?
10 years
3. Why are you interested in being on the CGKA board of directors?
To meet the needs of our ever growing kiter population in the summer season, there is a very distinct need for an active and forward thinking kite organization that can/will represent the kite community in discussions and negotiations with The Port of Hood River, The Corp of Engineers, Oregon and Washington State Parks, the Gorge Commission, Friends of the Gorge, and the Columbia Gorge Windsurfing Association. These past couple of years have seen some tremendous growth in the kite population which has put a tremendous amount of pressure on our local spots to remain both access friendly for both recreational and commercial users, as well as remaining safe enough for non-local kiters to use. The CGKA is still maturing as a newly re-organized association and is still in need of more community and local support for it to continue to grow in regards to membership representation strength and notiating strength with other local non-profit organizations that make decisions regarding waterfront access along the greater Columbia River Gorge.
In my years on the board, we have had some ups and downs in regard to officer and membership commitments, but I would like to see through another term as an officer to help get our organization to that next step of consistency and accomplishment in regards to financial management, community integration and launch site expansions/improvments.
4. Give two ideas you have for a CGKA projects or issues you think need to be addressed with kiteboarding in this region.
1) Launch Site Expansions/Improvments � Rowena, Viento, Mosier, and the new boat launch location being complete this Winter in Wyeth.
2) Increased Membership Strength � This vastly improve the strength of the CGKA�s voting voice in the local Hood River Community. The more people we represent, the better the community listens. A strong kiting organization with a large membership speaks volumes to local and government organizations. Just seeing a bunch of individual kiters on the water and in the parking lot means nothing to them without representation at official meetings.
5. List experiences/history that would qualify you as a board member.
Past officer experience - President of the NW Boardsailing Assoc (3yrs) , President of the CGWA (2yrs), BOD Officer Association of Windsports Industries, Vice President of the CGKA (1.5yrs). Boardsports Industry Employment History. Retail Sales - Washington Windsports, Big Winds, and Urban Surf). Sales/Marketing - Sales Rep � Ride Snowboards/Full Tilt Wakeboards / International Sales Manager � Obrien Wakeboards/Waterskis / Kiteboard Product Development � O�brien Wakeboards / Sales&Marketing Manager - Mistral Sailboards / Sales Manager � Sailworks Sails.
Forrest Rae - up for re-election
1. Name, age, employment and number of years kiteboarding?
Forrest Rae, 31, Employed in software engineering, 7 Years kiteboarding. (Don't wish to advertise my employer, it's not a secret but it's just something I like to keep off the record. I understand why you're asking though, it's nice to know industry affiliations.)
2. Number of years living in the Gorge area?
4 years
3. Why are you interested in being on the CGKA board of directors?
Kiteboarding on the Columbia River Gorge has seen ups and downs. Many of the problems faced in the past have been overcome, though there are still access issues that the kiteboarder faces when using the Columbia River. I want to work on access issues and I feel that I have a lot to offer in terms of interfacing with governmental organizations. I also have ideas on how recreation on the Hood River Waterfront should evolve.
Further, I love participating in the kiteboarding community and just care deeply about access to our river.
4. Give two ideas you have for a CGKA projects or issues you think need to be addressed with kiteboarding in this region.
Improvements to the Sandbar Parking Lot. Improvements to the Event Site Pump and Dry Area. Improvements to the Hook Kiteboard Launch.
5. List experiences/history that would qualify you as a board member
I've been a member of the Board of the CGKA for two years. During these two years I've participated in obtaining several new access points for kiteboarding. I've have a proven track record of looking out for the everyday recreationalist kiteboarder, avoiding creation/implementation of useless policies and unenforceable rules.
T.J. Guliza
1. Name, age, employment and number of years kiteboarding?
T.J. Gulizia, 34, Big Winds Kite Dept. Manager, 8+ years kiteboarding.
2. Number of years living in the Gorge area?
Lived in the Gorge since 2001
3. Why are you interested in being on the CGKA board of directors?
To help maintain access for kiteboarding, and to help grow the sport locally.
4. Give two ideas you have for a CGKA projects or issues you think need to be addressed with kiteboarding in this region.
After this last flooding event, we are going to need people for clean-up, to maintain a safe launch and landing area for kiters of all abilities at the Spit. The expansion of new kite launches (ie. Bingin. . .).
5. List experiences/history that would qualify you as a board member.
5 years of teaching the sport locally, in La Ventana, and South Padre Island TX. Manager of the kiteboarding dept. at Big Winds.
Matt (Sudz) Luchsinger
1. Name, age, employment and number of years kiteboarding?
Matt Luchsinger, Big Winds sales, 6 years kiteboarding
2. Number of years living in the Gorge area?
8 years
3. Why are you interested in being on the CGKA board of directors?
I would like to do more for kiteboarding community of Hood River.
4. Give two ideas you have for a CGKA projects or issues you think need to be addressed with kiteboarding in this region.
Clean up in Moiser and making it a kite friendly place.
5. List experiences/history that would qualify you as a board member.
I'm well know in the Hood River kite community and have been working in the sport�s industry since 2003.
Aspen McKenna
1. Name, age, employment and number of years kiteboarding?
Aspen McKenna, stay-at-home-mother of one 2-year-old, 4 years kiting
2. Number of years living in the Gorge area?
We've been living in Hood River full-time for 4 years. Before that I lived in Portland for 6 years and commuted out to the gorge to windsurf and bike as often as I could. My husband had property here that we camped on before we finally built our home.
3. Why are you interested in being on the CGKA board of directors?
Since my husband and I, as well as all our friends, are avid kiteboarders and ex-long-time-windsurfers, I would like to get involved in decisions regarding recreational use of our gorge resources. I don't know if there's anything to do about it, but as our sport grows in number of participants, we need more launches and/or more organization to accommodate a the growing number of kiters of varying abilities. I gripe about it all the time - it's time I try to get involved to do something about it. If chosen, I look forward to becoming a greater advocate for and ambassador of the sport.
4. Give two ideas you have for a CGKA projects or issues you think need to be addressed with kiteboarding in this region.
Projects or issues to be addressed: 1. Beginners learning right off the sandbar where everyone is launching and landing and the best kiters want to throw their big tricks is a dangerous, not to mention, inconvenient set-up. It's scary and frustrating for the beginners, and they make it difficult for everyone else to launch and land safely and quickly. Then, throw in the hot shots throwing big tricks right there, and it's really a mess. 2. More river access. It's crazy that so many people are now kiting, and there's still really only one place to enter the river, 2 if you include Rufus (which I love, but is a sketchy launch for beginners).
5. List experiences/history that would qualify you as a board member.
As a past (but no longer) windsurfer, I bring a valuable perspective of understanding the needs of both sports. I was a CGWA member for years, and I am friends with lots of long-time gorge windsurfers. I imagine there's lots of negotiating and working with CGWA on use of the river and launch sites, so knowing their perspective may be helpful. As a kite surfer, riding exclusively on a surf board these days, I also represent that group of kiters in constant search of swell and waves. (I also like to boost big airs and do tricks, but I'm not into wake-style riding, stunts, etc.) I'm a mom, so I also bring the parent perspective. And, though I live in Hood River full-time now, I used to be a Portlander who drove out as a fanatical weekend warrior. Thus, I still remember the vacationer's view.
Scot Davidson
1. Name, age, employment and number of years kiteboarding?
Scot Davidson, Director of Market Strategies, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Kiteboarding: 4 years (prior 15 years windsurfer)
2. Number of years living in the Gorge area?
Portland native, living in Gorge since 2004. El Sargento Homeowner.
3. Why are you interested in being on the CGKA board of directors?
I am interested in serving on the CGWA Board to help the organization progress for the benefit of the members and community. I am specifically interested in helping improve communication with the membership.
4. Give two ideas you have for a CGKA projects or issues you think need to be addressed with kiteboarding in this region.
Access: Crowding at the sandbar and use conflict at the Event Site will lead to bad things for our favorite pastime. The CGKA can help (as it has) by negotiation with other interests and the development and promotion of additional sites.
Engagement & Mobilization: The kiteboarding community is not sufficiently mobilized to impact major issues like access. This will be facilitated in the Northwest by a stronger CGKA. Today, there are too few shouldering the work we need to attract new members and energize membership to make a difference.
5. List experiences/history that would qualify you as a board member
Qualifications: Deep personal experience with the recreation resources of the Gorge. Familiar with the Gorge Act. 5 years of business management and marketing experience. Very strong and strategic communications skills. Direct experience working with the Bonneville Power Administration, the most significant and powerful user of Gorge water resources. Past board member of CGWA. Past board chair Big Brothers of Clark County. Current Board Member TopTen USA. Past owner of Airtime in Hood River. Strong familiarity and commitment to resource conservation & sustainability. MBA. Get it done guy.
Matt Klee
1. Name, age, employment and number of years kiteboarding?
Matt Klee, 37yrs old, Insitu - Manager of Training, 3.5 years of kiteboarding
2. Number of years living in the Gorge area?
I have lived in Hood River for 3.5 years - I own a house near Frankton and May st. I have spent significant time in the Gorge since the early 1990s, but was finally able to move here when I was hired by Insitu.
3. Why are you interested in being on the CGKA board of directors?
I would like to be on the CGKA board of directors because I would like to be less of a spectator and take a more active role in advocating for the sport. I recently became involved with a mountain bike trail building club and it is very satisfying to be pro-active and involved in the sports I enjoy. I would like to expand my passion for the sport of kiteboarding and get off the sidelines and get involved. The CGKA has done a great deal in advocating for the sport - I would like to be involved in helping them continue this progress.
4. Give two ideas you have for a CGKA projects or issues you think need to be addressed with kiteboarding in this region.
As I primarily kite at the Event Site due to its close proximity to my work and home, one of the things I would like to explore is allocating a specific section of the sand bar for lessons/beginners vs experienced kiters. A few years ago, it was fairly well segregated, but last year, it seemed particularly chaotic. As a person who learned there and now an experienced kiter that kites there, I think everyone could benefit from a more organized approach to partitioning the sand bar. Thinking slightly more outside the box, an interesting alternative would be to investigate creating a beginner area on the West (upwind) side of Wells Island. The second issue that could use attention would be to increase the number (or improve access) of kiteboarding sites in the Gorge area. Rowena is a really great place to kite with fantastic wind - however the launch is slightly sketchy. It would be great to improve the rigging area and create a foot-friendly place to get in/out - this would go a long way to making that site more appealing. Similarly, working with the railroad and other controlling agencies to work-out the Lyle sand bar access would be an excellent initiative.
5. List experiences/history that would qualify you as a board member.
I have no experience serving on any board, but this would be an excellent opportunity to start. I'm articulate, organized and comfortable speaking to large groups. My job involves managing a department of 50 people. This role has allowed me to develop my ability to listen and make educated, well-informed decisions while remaining objective. I want to get more involved in the sport than just showing-up at the sandbar and reaping the rewards of all the hard work that your organization has provided. I wold like to get more involved in the Hood River and kiting communities and start contributing to the CGKA cause. _________________ Join the CGKA! Membership is only $10! Sign up at http://cgka.net/become-a-member/ |

Since 20 Jun 2005
3678 Posts
I need my fix because I'm a
Wed Feb 09, 11 3:00 pm |
We are allowing voting till FEB 11 at 6pm. Please vote for the one you DON"T want. _________________ Cleverly disguised as an adult...
www.naishkites.com |

Since 09 Oct 2006
973 Posts
Stevenson in the summer & SPI in the winter
Bolstad Clan
Wed Feb 09, 11 5:09 pm |
Nic: nice work on the q&a and setup of the voting.
Tough choice to knock anyone out, pretty strong group of people stepping up to volunteer. Thanks guys!
Tony |

Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster

Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Fri Feb 11, 11 9:14 pm |
Voting is closed thank you everyone for participating. We look forward to working with the new board members. _________________ Join the CGKA! Membership is only $10! Sign up at http://cgka.net/become-a-member/ |
Since 12 Jul 2006
1691 Posts
I give out bad advice.
Wed Mar 02, 11 5:44 am So, who is on the board? |
Who ran and who won? _________________ Hey, I'm being hahahahahrassed! |
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