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Event Site - summer 2021.
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Since 21 Jul 2009
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Hood River
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PostWed May 05, 21 6:54 am    Re: FIRE Reply with quote

MrGie wrote:
Does anyone know if fires are allowed on the sandbar?

Fires are not allowed.

Last edited by ldhr on Wed May 05, 21 6:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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Since 21 Jul 2009
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Hood River
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PostWed May 05, 21 6:56 am    Re: Are Wingfoilers allowed to launch from grass? Reply with quote

jeromed wrote:
As wings do NOT have kite lines, can they use the grassy area for launching?


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Since 14 May 2015
269 Posts
Hood river

PostWed May 05, 21 7:14 am    Event site Reply with quote

I would love to be a lawn cop. But I would probably get beat up for telling portland people to go home. LOL
Glad I don't use the event site expect for drinking beer at the sand bar cafe Very Happy

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Since 21 Apr 2007
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Doin' The Dalles

PostWed May 05, 21 9:35 am     Reply with quote

ldhr wrote:
Does anyone know the Event Site Host, Doug Newcomb? Perhaps he can help? Maybe he likes beer or something?

Solid idea LD. I just pinged Doug to get his feedback on what type of support he can envision/prefer/need and he's already up and running with the volunteer concept so expect more updates to come. Eric, thank you very much for your clear Port message updates helping lead the way.

If you guys/gals haven't met Doug....please try. Doug is a good guy and courteous ES host. He also kites so he's keen on what's going on and how to keep the peace, while also trying to accommodate all user groups.

Signage will help visitors but if the local message is consistent it will work well, as it always has for many previous years with everyone's support.

Clean winds to go send it!!

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Since 12 Nov 2008
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Da Hood & Da Wood
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PostWed May 05, 21 12:26 pm     Reply with quote

Doug is awesome - saw on LinkedIn he just got a new job, but looking forward to him being host again this year. He saved my gear last year in a 'senior moment'... probably owe him a few more beers for that.

Lawn cop approach can work or can backfire, depending on delivery. Still had to laugh when Sgt. Loop was telling a kiter not to land on the windsurfers' heads and the guy replied, "I'm a local!!". Rolling Eyes

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Since 13 Jan 2006
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PostWed May 05, 21 9:43 pm     Reply with quote

Doug will not do this alone.

If we generate a significant list of volunteers I would add my name to it, as would Doug in all likelihood.

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Since 12 Nov 2008
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Da Hood & Da Wood
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PostThu May 06, 21 8:35 am     Reply with quote

Has the Port considered putting up signage at the entrance pointing to the waterfront park and beach as an option for picnicking, etc.? A lot of locals worked quite hard to get it built, and some people I've spoken with at the event site simply didn't know it was there, as they simply saw the ES first. Thoughts?

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Since 16 Jun 2006
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Pure Stoke Sports
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PostThu May 06, 21 1:03 pm     Reply with quote

This is the point in which the CGW2 should be stepping forward to manage waterfront activities.

Having the CGW2 as an 'all encompassing' watersports association is the reason why the the CGKA organization was dissolved.

Laird was an exceptional gift/saint to step in these last two years to help the kite community while the CGW2 went though some transitional times, but now it's time that the CGW2 step forward and begin establishing representation and safety management for the windsports user community at the Event Site.

ldhr wrote:
eric wrote:
An update. The Port is under staffed for the season. If I understood them correctly they have several maintenance positions unfilled to date. So, what this means is they do not have the staff to monitor an on/off water level launch from the grass.

For us to have this ability we would need to form a volunteer group that would put up, and remove signage during buried sandbar events—mid week only—with a cut off altogether when summer high season starts. Volunteers would also need to politely ask kiters and picnickers to move etc. When, not if, folks argue with you, you’ll need to gracefully back away and close the grass to launching.

The event site usage by non wind people exploded last summer, and it’s anticipated to grow even more this summer. I’m not sure how I feel about signing up to be a lawn cop.

I do want to mention that the Port is not anti kiter by any means. It’s an issue of employee bandwidth, exponential growth in users, the bulk of which are picnickers. Not just at the event site lawn, but all of the Port beaches.


I was the volunteer last summer. I don't use the Event Site anymore, so I don't think it's appropriate for me to be that person this year.


Does anyone know the Event Site Host, Doug Newcomb? Perhaps he can help? Maybe he likes beer or something?

Pure Stoke Sports
Hood River, OR

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Since 30 Jul 2016
38 Posts
Hood River

PostThu May 06, 21 7:49 pm     Reply with quote

I’d happily join a group of volunteers to help with signage setup and breakdown, among other things. If that sign-up occurs, I’ll put my name on it immediately.

Tommy Fliss

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Since 14 May 2015
269 Posts
Hood river

PostFri May 07, 21 5:55 am    Event site Reply with quote

I think the cgwa is now a volunteer group. No paid employees.
I suspect most members are busy with work/business and family's
Yes they should be here talking about the event site.
I am surprised there has not been a clean up for the spit. Its covered in logs.
Too many people too little space

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Since 12 Oct 2006
18 Posts


PostMon May 10, 21 3:06 pm    CGW2 and The Event Site Reply with quote

Hi Everybody,

Wish to make a few things better known here.

The CGWA is no more. Since 2019, we are The Columbia Gorge Wind & Water Assoc. (CGW2).

We are a 30+ year old 501c3 not-for-profit volunteer membership organization
representing the interests of our members, who are primarily Gorge wind-riders. Our major cause is to help establish, improve, maintain, and protect the quality and safety of Gorge launch-sites for windsurfing, kiting, paddling, and foiling. There is hardly a single Gorge launch-site that the CGW2 has not had some hand in establishing and helping to maintain.

With the exception of Swell City, we do not own or have governance over any Gorge launch-sites, but rather make effort to work with those who do in the interest of our membership. We are not a service agency. We are not a governing authority. We have no paid staff. We are a group of member volunteers who, through their collective efforts, support and improve The Gorge wind-riding experience.

"We," are no greater than the sum of our members and their joint efforts. As such, we highly encourage all Gorge wind-riders to join the CGW2 and consider leading, and/or volunteering to further our causes which are funded 100% by donations from our membership.

If you have an idea or proposed action and wish The CGW2 to help support it, join us at or contact us at:

Columbia Gorge Wind & Water Association (CGW2)

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Since 04 Jul 2012
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CGKA Member

PostSat May 15, 21 8:41 pm    Today @ ES Reply with quote

So I rolled in to ES about 3:10 and the lot was nearly full (maybe 10 west end spaces were available when I parked). I was later told by a friend that it was FULL by 4PM. This is BEFORE MEMORIAL DAY!! As I parked my rig, I saw a local (friend!) peeing in the parking lot under one of the trees. When he was finished I politely suggested the bathrooms and pointed at the porta-potties clearly visible less than 100 yards away. He said he thought they were pay toilets. I disabused him of that notion. I gathered my gear and headed to the swarming party known as the Event Site lawn. The grass was pretty full with kites, and plenty of folks rolling in and out of the river on kites, wings, SUPs, and sail boards. (I’ve seen it worse, but not in Mid-May.) I executed the obligatory salutations and condition inquiries with multiple friends as I unloaded gear. As i got ready to launch my kite, a well-intended but poorly informed family started setting up their picnic gear (blankets, chairs, coolers, etc) right at the north end of the kite launch (on the grass adjacent to the rocks closest to the water). I explained to them that they had the right to be there, but that the reason no one else was sitting there was because it wasn’t safe. I gestured to the maelstrom of kites and lines surrounding us. I suggested Waterfront Park, which was “just a few hundred meters to the west, and a much better environment for picnicking”. They graciously and gratefully repacked their gear and headed to a safer spot. (I have found this to be the usual response. Most people just don’t know where to go for non wind activities/viewing). As I got ready to launch, I noticed several kiters riding in past the buoys, flashing their new transitions/tricks, before heading back out to mow the lawn. This violates Port rules and adds tremendously to the whole congestion. In passing, I yelled at one guy (another local!) to not ride inside the buoys. Naturally, he was VERY offended that I would highlight his inconsiderate behavior. Luckily, no on-the-water fisticuffs. Wow, what a day! It seems to me that we really need to get it together at the ES or when things really heat up this summer it could be a sh#t show of biblical proportions. Thanks to LD and Eric and others for all their work in trying to sort this mess out.

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Since 21 Jun 2015
475 Posts
White Salmon

PostTue May 18, 21 5:54 pm    Parking enforcement appears to have started Reply with quote

Saw the parking guy writing tickets on Monday afternoon, at the Event Site. Rolling Eyes

A sure sign the season has arrived.

Pull the cork.

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