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Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Fri Jul 11, 08 7:36 am Meeting w/ CGWA Minutes - July 2008 |
Hey guys we had an awesome meeting with the windsurfers last night. I think this was a great step in building a strong relationship with them. The windsurfers and kiters over all were actually pretty happy with each other.
The main issues were I took from the meeting were:
-Education � need to explain key elements of kiting to windsurfers and windsurfing to kiters.
-Everyone needs to look before they turn.
-Give each other space; if not possible make your intentions (of going up or downwind) noticeable.
-Be respectful � we are all wind junkies just trying to have fun.
-We need to build a community; lets introduce kiters to windsurfers and build a strong community. Going to do a BBQ for kiters and windsurfers.
Anyone else at the meeting can add their take on it if they want to. Last edited by Bettyboarder on Fri May 15, 09 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total |

Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Fri Jul 11, 08 7:36 am |
CGKA and CGWA Meeting
July 11th 7:30 pm
Port of Hood River, Hood River, OR
Katie Craft (CGWA) started the meeting & Jim Grady (president CGKA) is going to keep the time
Katie explained a bit of back round about the CGWA. 1987 CGKA has been around.
Jim explained a bit of back round about the CGKA. CGKA was reestablished in 2006
7:46 � Katie opens the meeting up to everyone�s comments
First question from a windsurfer to Jim Grady was:
Question what are the launch coordinators?
Jim explained the coordinator positions (Forrest does Lyle, Mark does Stevenson).
Pete � windsurfer � Said he has been happy to have kiters around. Kiters rescued his friends. He suggests developing a community of windsurfers and kiters rather than working against each other.
Woody � windsurfer � kites have rescued him in the past. What are the rules? Can�t tell if kiters are coming or going. Afraid of hitting them and getting tangled in their strings.
Mark � kiter � Said that he admires CGWA what they have done. Their organization is set up well and we are modeling the CGKA after them. He responded to Woody�s questions by explaining that everyone needs to follow the US Mari Time rules. Both kiters and windsurfers need to help each other out. Mark explained what a new kiter looks like and how too look out for them, make sure people give them room if you see them out there.
Janet � Kiter � Explained what it looks like when a kiter is underpowered (pumping kites). Told the windsurfers when kiters are pumping their kites to beware that the kiter is underpowered and may not be able to move out of their way.
Forrest � Helped explain how to tell when kiters are coming and going. If a kiter has their kite down they are going downwind, if the kite is up high going up wind.
Kirby � Kiter � kites at hatch mostly, it�s intense when a windsurfer riding fast so close to a kiter. The windsurfer could blow out at any point and hit me. Maybe a good solution would be to point in the direction they are headed just to make it clear. Just try to give each other a bit more space. Might help if we make a short funny video explaining what kooks are for the windsurfer and kiters. Instructors & students should wear bright shirts so they can be identified easily. Just respect each other.
Bruce � Windsurfer � If you change your course you need to look before you turn. White Salmon bridge is a great example, kiters turning on a dime with out looking right in front of windsurfer and almost hit each other.
Nate � Kiter � Overall theme seems to be that we need more education for both sports.
Mark � Kiter � Lets have a party introduce kiters to windsurfers and vice versa. Informal education of both kiters and windsurfers at the party should kook video.
Unknown kiter/windsurfer � Everyone should get along shouldn�t be kiters vs windsurfers. When kiters look bad in the news if looks bad on the windsurfers too. We are all wind junkies and people will group the kiters and windsurfers together so we need to look positive in the community. Everyone needs to just follow the common rules.
Unknown windsurfer � not really had issues with kiters just need to make sure we communicate with each other.
Unknown windsurfer � should we go under kite lines? Windsurfers are trying to get above kiters because they are afraid of getting caught in kite lines and cutting them.
Mark � it�s ok to go under the lines as long as the kiter looks competent. The farther away from the sandbar the better the kiters skills are usually so if you are up by the bridge those kiters are usually pretty good and it�s not a problem to go under the lines. We need to come together as CGKA and CGWA.
Jim (CGWA- President) � How are you guys insured?
Garret (CGKA) - Are you guys insured year round?
Jim (CGWA) - Yes
Jim (CGKA) � Schools and kite companies usually provide the insurance for us
Garret �Kiter- We just need to work together. Why not put the two groups together and make a windsurf & kite association call it Columbia Wind Association instead.
Forrest � Kiter - Brought up death stats for kiters and they are on the decline as the sport is becoming safer with better gear.
Jim � Kiter - Lets have a BBQ for both associations.
Katie � Lets figure out a way to educate our community and set up a BBQ for everyone.
August 2nd � BBQ � Garret (CGKA) and Nicole (CGKA) will set up for after the Blowout and Windsurf regatta.
Bruce �Windsurfer - we are all wind junkies� there is a letter in the paper about the 4th which reflects the kiters badly to the community (Wed issue of HR paper). Kiter Dr. Mackley wrote the letter to the paper. Kiters look like a bunch of whiners about the 4th of July.
Windsurfer � the fireworks have been going off at the Spit for a long time, longer then their has been kiters.
Nicole � Tried to explain why kiters were unhappy. The 4th of July this year was a major problem because we couldn�t walk out to the sandbar. In the past we have been allowed to walk out and kite from the Sandbar on the 4th. This year we couldn�t be with in 600 feet of where they were setting up the fireworks because of the Federal Governments new law. The problem was that the sandbar was under water this year leaving kiters no where to go. Poor information to the kiting community about this new mandate lead to some frustration from the kiting community.
Mark � kiter � Had friends come from out of town to visit for the long weekend and couldn�t kite their. Very frustrating for them to spend all the $ to come down to kite and weren�t allowed to for several days.
Windsurf- He agreed that there needs to be an alternative spot for kiters for the 4th.
Nicole � kiter � We are going to talk about the 4th of July issue at our CGKA meeting tomorrow.
Katie � Is there someone who can make the kook video?
Janet � Suggests Nate to make the video
Nate � Accepts and is going to do a video by August 2nd of kook kiters and windsurfers.
Mark � Need to get the flyers at event site as well.
Linda � Port � Will get some printed up and have the people at the event site pass out the flyers too.
Windsurfer � We need to talk to the press about this meeting and reflect the kiters & windsurfer in a positive light. They are working together to build a stronger community of waterman.
Katie � Windsurfer- is going to put a letter together to send to the paper. |

Since 20 Jun 2005
3678 Posts
I need my fix because I'm a
Fri Jul 11, 08 7:59 am |
Great job Nikki! _________________ Cleverly disguised as an adult... |

Since 21 Jan 2006
2004 Posts
not really an
XTreme Poster
Fri Jul 11, 08 8:22 am |
thanks for the notes... any thoughts of inviting CGWA to the blowout as their own division? |

Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Fri Jul 11, 08 8:36 am |
Quote: | thanks for the notes... any thoughts of inviting CGWA to the blowout as their own division? |
They actually are having an event that day but I like the idea of inviting them. I will bring it up tonight at the meeting.
The blowout should be interesting since there is a sail boat race and a windsurf race we have to cross to get to the spit. |

Since 30 Jun 2006
1648 Posts
Puget Sound & Wa. Coast
XTreme Poster
Sat Jul 12, 08 6:25 am |
Bettyboarder wrote: | The blowout should be interesting since there is a sail boat race and a windsurf race we have to cross to get to the spit. |
Another sailboat race? We had that during KB4C last year. Do you know if they will also be out there on Aug 9 this year?
Thanks for the notes, I still have many friends stuck in the past.
Kip _________________ CGKA Member
Kip Wylie |