
Since 29 Oct 2006
895 Posts
da Hood
Wed Nov 12, 08 9:23 am Board Meeting minutes - Oct 2008 |
CGKA Meeting Minutes for October 10th 2008
Board Members:
Present: Jim Grady, Pepi Gerald, Garret Zallen, Nicole Doolittle, Adam Monaghan, Henry Rico, Mark Barnes, Forrest Rae, Steve Fisher, Brett Kelly, Absent: Tonia Farman, Cory Roeseler, Lloyd Nickson
The topic of allowing members who show up to board meetings comes up. We all feel any members who take the time to come to a Board meeting should be allowed to speak.
Next topic for discussion was the possibility of Scott Edgar becoming the Rowena launch development coordinator; however someone noted that he may be too busy because of his work.
Spit upgrade. Brent Foster provided drawups for a green bathroom. There is also a possibility of having a shower to use attached to the bathroom. There is still a few more details to work out regarding the water returning to the ground but it is a good start.
Review of minutes from June 18th. Approved.
Summer recap.
1) Demo day. Some of the local vendors feel they can provide demos whenever they want. Was it worth it? BBQ for demo day went really well. An earlier date for demo day should definitely be considered. Possibility of renting the spit for the entire day? Get feedback from vendors so we can improve upon it for next year. Should make space designations for vendors more apparent.
2) Rufus rockpile rodeo. Informal campout provided by CGKA wherever there is good wind. Impromptu and informal worked out really well.
3) Blowout! Went great. Accountability for everyone and providing their timed run. 1 problem with someone not adhering to the buddy system. Registration was not good. Way to complex, not a good idea taking IDs. Have a preregistration the night before.
4) Bridge of the gods and kiteboard for cancer and Gorge games. Possibility of Gorge games not returning next year. If they are absent this winter do we want to have a winter time event?
Make events a topic of our next board meeting.
For the BBQ’s, spike has offered to come onboard to help with BBQ events. However this poses $$$ questions. BBQ’s have traditionally been giveaway food so it might just be best to invest in our BBQ.
Lyle access, we will approach the forest service about possibly doing the environmental, wildlife and other studies that need to be done before the forest service can make a decision on their stance about the Lyle spit development.
Rowena is the best choice for developing new access. The BOD feels that we need more access after the 4th of July. Rowena development: we should proceed to get the CGWA’s support and the state parks support.
Some people feel secret spot should have priority for development over Rowena but the logistics of secret spot have not even been determined. One route, the expensive one, trying to get an off ramp from the highway and a parking lot. We definitely do not have the financial resources to pursue this option at this time. The other less expensive, possibly feasible option would be to try and extend the trails from the Discovery Center about a mile west to access secret spot either by foot or bicycle after parking at the discovery center.
Access development is geared and focused towards more intermediate to advanced launches so that once people become competent kiters they can move onto these additional launches and free up space at the sandbar for beginners. Mosier is also a possibility for access development.
We should get member input as to what access spots should be developed. We should also determine certain deal breakers, like who owns the land, so that we can eliminate those as options.
Spit upgrade:
Our mission is to develop access as well. Brent Foster is the head of the river keepers and an attorney, and a kiteboarder. Mark and Cory have been selected as the spit upgrade committee with Brent Foster. Anybody that has ideas to help improve and/or upgrade the spit should email them to Jim and/or the board of directors. The port is allocating funds to do a study on how to improve the spit.
Stevenson upgrades:
We have approval for a rercycling bin, water fountain. Signage is something we would like to work on. Where should it be placed? Try to remove some of the larger rocks. We requested to move breakwater away from the kite launch. Port of Skamania will purchase another 24000lbs of rock if we’re willing to a do cleanup day.
Possibility of doing an event on the 4th of July at Stevenson because Hood River closes the spit. Need a co-coordinator so we can advertise this event if we commit to it. We should table this for another meeting.
We need a scale system for rating launches based on difficulty. Things like bailout locations downwind, areas to self rescue in, etc should be taken into account.
Quick review of what needs to be done on the website and a quick summary of the delta planning study.
Meeting adjourned! |