
Since 18 Mar 2005
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PDX/ White Salmon
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Mon Dec 08, 08 11:21 am Board Meeting Minutes November 14, 2008 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes: November 14, 2008
2nd Wind Shop Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Jim Grady, Cory Roeseler, Pepi Gerald, Nicole Doolittle, Adam Monaghan, Mark Barnes, Forrest Rae, Brett Kelly
Absent: Tonia Farman, Steve Fisher, Henry Rico, Garret Zallen
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Phillip Holmstrand � member
Katie Rae � member
Julia Barnes - member
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President, Jim Grady
Last meeting minutes were amended and approved via email a copy was given to all board members.
Member Comment: Party Announcement provided by Phillip Holmstrand, Admin
Philip - the party is set for Saturday February 7th, 2009. The party will be held at 2410 in Portland. The party will have a photo and video contest. This is the third year for the party. Each year had been a lot of fun and around 150 people show up many who don�t kite and might be interested in getting into it. It would be a great place for the CGKA to meet and sign up new members. Phil said that nwkite is a non-profit and has offered to donate any proceeds to the CGKA. He said we can also have a table at the party to sign of members for 2009.
End of Member Comment
Access by: Mark Barnes, Board Member:
Mark posted a survey on the CGKA section of nwkite asking members which launches they were interested in seeing the CGKA improve. The top results were Hook, Secret Spot and Viento.
Opened to board for discussion:
Secret Spot is challenging spot to reopen due to multiple issues. One major issue is parking, possible solution would be to work with the Discovery Center and use their parking lot. A few members thought it would be possible to walk down and build a new trail to Secret Spot from the Discovery Center. The new trail wouldn�t cross the railroad tracks. Mark, Nicole and Forrest have offered to try to find a path and take photos of the area to bring to the next meeting.
The Hook - seems like the easiest spot to improve. Ideally it would be a big sandy beach, but this brings erosion issues among other things. Cory sketched up a strategy to secure and anchor a float off the shore of the hook to facilitate launching (where the current path kiteboarders use is). It�s a spot that is not currently used that much by kiters and would relieve some congestion from the sandbar. It would be an advanced launch which could benefit the community when not in use by kiteboarders. Jim is going to talk to the Port about getting a float approved. Cory has found a large float for sale and will find out the prices of it.
Viento - Pepi and a few others discussed the possibility of developing the area west of the launch (where the original launch use to be) to be a kiteboard specific launch.
Rowena - Jim would like Rowena added to the list of spots to improve. People commented that there is a lot of broken glass and that Rowena fills up fast with windsurfers on good days. The kiteboard spot is away from the windsurf launch. Jim volunteered to take the lead on Rowena and present his results at the next meeting.
Board members volunteered to head to each spot, explore the area, take photos and present their results at the December meeting.
Accessed discussion tabled till next meeting.
Stevenson: Mark Barnes, Board Member:
Port of Stevenson has came to us and asked what they can do to help us with our spring cleanup. Stevenson has been promoting it�s usage of their port. CGKA will get a list together to present to the Port of Stevenson.
CGKA Website: Brett Kelly, Board Member:
Brett presented the draft version of the new website. He took comments and input from the BOD. The website looks great and he is hoping to have it ready and online by the end of the December.
Other business:
-Lloyd Nickson resigned his position as a BOD.
-Jim Grady is now on Waterfront Recreation Committee.
-We need to review the by laws and prepare for next year
-Approved - Mark motioned to request the east of the event site during the on season for
pumping and drying kite only.
Future business:
-Re-evaluated the Delta management plan that was agreed on in spring of 2007 (runs through
2009). Event site access for kiters.
-Access to Hook, Secret Spot, Viento, Rowena.
-Review and prepare for the 2009 CGKA.
-Jim Grady is going to talk to the Port about a floating dock for the Hook. He will look into access at Rowena and present his finding at December meeting.
-Mark, Nicole and Forrest report on Secret Spot for next meeting.
-Cory will find out about float cost for the Hook.
-Pepi going to get bylaws together.
-Brett getting the website finished.
Minutes submitted by Secretary, Adam Monaghan and Nicole Doolittle. |