
Since 18 Mar 2005
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PDX/ White Salmon
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Mon Feb 09, 09 9:14 am Board Meeting Minutes Jan 2009 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes: January 9th, 2008
2nd Wind Shop Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Jim Grady, Pepi Gerald, Nicole Doolittle, Adam Monaghan, Mark Barnes, Forrest Rae, Brett Kelly, Tonia Farman, Steve Fisher, Henry Rico, Garret Zallen
Absent: Cory Roeseler
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Phillip Holmstrand � member
Katie Rae � member
Gregg Tekko - member
Melissa � member
Roxanna - member
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President, Jim Grady
Last meeting minutes were amended and approved via email a copy was emailed to all board members.
Access by: Jim Grady, President:
Focus our attention on Viento and Rowena. We need someone for Rowena. Jim suggested Nicole ask Janet if she would be interested.
Oregon State Parks Meeting by: Jim Grady, Mark Barnes, Pepi Gerald:
Jim, Mark and Forrest met with Oregon State Parks (OSP). They are excited for kiters to use the park and would like to have a meeting with the CGKA.
Pepi � Two spots possible to spend our energy improving at Rowena.
Jim � OSP might help pay for rock to fill in the launch spot making it easier to launch and land kites. We need to make sure it�s safe so people are not going to get pulled over the basalt.
Jim and Pepi will meet with OSP on 01/26/08. They will take photos and the CGKA will come up with a plan to present to OSP. Kevin Price (OSP) needs a proposal that includes costs and quantity needed of product needed. Jim is going to spearhead the proposal.
Pepi � Kevin Price (OSP) is open to working with kiters. He wants equal access for all users at the parks.
Mark - OSP worried about safety (nwkite video). OSP would like the CGKA to put on an event at Rooster. If we do a clean up, they will let us use their facilities for free (bbq�s, ect). Bring trainer kiters for people to try out. They would like to work with the CGKA and put a sign on the freeway indicating kiting at Rooster Rock. Event motion tabled till next meeting.
Viento: Jim Grady, Mark Barnes, Pepi Gerald:
Pepi � The best spot to improve would be the upwind (about 70 yards) right launch area which is privately owned. To the East is a bail out cove, wouldn�t be a good launch but a nice bail out.
Parking could be an issue on busy windsurf days. Suggestion made to make another trail for kiters to use from the upper parking lot down to the launch. It would be easy for kiters to carry their gear.
The other part OSP will improve for us to use. They will take down shrubs but no big trees.
Pepi will take photos for us. He will talk to Katie and Pat (CGWA) and invite the windsurfers to help clean up. Pepi set up meeting with Andy Wells and Diane McClay (OSP) by the 2nd week in February.
Jim � They (CGWA) is interested in merging with the CGKA. Suggestion made to wait.
Membership Costs
Tonia � Kiters need to join and work together for access. We (kiters) are not entitled to access we must fight for it.
Mark motioned to raise CGKA annual membership cost to $20. Motion passed.
Pepi motioned different levels of membership (Gold, ect). Motion passed.
Possibility of having a special rate for members that sign up before the nwkite party on February 7th, 2009.
Windfest: Tonia Farman, Board Member:
She is working with the Windsports Association. They are inviting us to participate in the Windfest this year. Windfest is the last weekend in June. Tabled till next meeting.
Non-profit status
Brett � We need to get our non-profit status filled asap. Garret said it would take 4 to 6 months to finish paperwork. We need the by laws finished first. Pepi is going to finish them in the next two weeks. Adam is going to talk to Jim Mason to see if he is interested in helping file the paper. Nicole will talk to Martin and see if he would be interested in helping.
Mark motioned wrist bands for BBQ�s for the future so we can track how many members are showing up. Motioned passed.
Website: Brett Kelly, Board member:
Brett presented the draft version of the new website. He took comments and input from the BOD. The website looks great. He and Adam are going to meet up and get it uploaded right away.
Other business:
-Have some CGKA meetings in Portland, agreed to do next meeting in Stevenson.
Future business:
-Re-evaluated the Delta management plan that was agreed on in spring of 2007 (runs through
2009). Event site access for kiters.
-Access to Viento, Rowena.
-Review and prepare for the 2009 CGKA.
-Open up new sites
-Need new event planner (JP doesn�t want to do the blowout again)
-Nicole ask Janet if interested in launch coordinator for Rowena.
-Jim Grady and Pepi are going to meet with OSP and drafting proposal for improvements.
-Pepi finish bylaws
-Cory will find out about float cost for the Hook.
-Pepi going to get bylaws together in next two weeks.
-Brett & Adam getting the website uploaded in the next two weeks.
-Nicole will talk to Martin about the non profit.
-Adam will talk to Jim Mason about the non profit.
Minutes submitted by Nicole Doolittle. |