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Since 28 Mar 2005
336 Posts
Sun May 08, 05 7:45 am seaside scene |
i wanted to get the word out about the killer crew at cleanline surshop in seaside and the kite scene up there. josh is a great resource and the necanicum river at high tide is a safe place for the newbies, and with all that oceon out front, the skys da limit for the rest of us.
jimbo |

Since 03 Mar 2005
28 Posts
Sun May 08, 05 9:36 am |
Does the river work on a NW'ly? S. or SW'erly...Thanks!
Don't you think over the next 5 years the coast will become the default location for the masses instead of HR/Gorge???? With all that beach, it can handle the crowds...but kiting in board shorts in the summer does rock compared to that 5/3. |
Wind Slither

Since 04 Mar 2005
2608 Posts
The 503
Sun May 08, 05 11:48 am |
The river can probably work in anything with some west in it. At lower tides though, there isn't much water. It's great when it's due West and light, when it's impossible to get out through the break.
I think the popularity of sailing on the coast will definately increase. |
Since 29 Mar 2005
23 Posts
Beaverton, OR
Mon May 09, 05 12:40 am |
What's the river botton like there? Is it pretty sandy? |
Since 28 Mar 2005
336 Posts
Mon May 09, 05 5:48 am necanicum at seaside |
word at the local scene is that anything but east works in the river, check the tide tables for the widest river mouth, say an hour or two before high tide to an hour or so after.
the issue of board leases rears its dirty little head in the river mouth when the tide is in ebb, as your board really wants to run out to sea if yo lose track of it.
jimbo |
Since 16 Mar 2005
761 Posts
Portland, Or
Tue May 10, 05 10:14 am |
hey jim,
where is the necanicum river? i am looking at google maps for seaside and can't seem to find it. i usually go out in cannon beach or gearhart but, someplace else would be cool as well.
kt |
Tue May 10, 05 12:03 pm |
It is just north of town... the river/creek actually runs right through town on the west side of 101 and you cross it when your coming into town from the south. It spreads out and creates a sweet flat water pond, and I have found the best access to be from the north side... Make sure you have a four wheel drive and you can do sweet downwinders with a support crew. Your gonna have to do your own exploring to exactly find it...
I find it works best on a southerly wind. For some reason the northlies don't like to reach all the way down into Seaside.
Have fun... Nameless, lest people get irritated!!! |
Tue May 10, 05 12:03 pm necanicum river |
this river flows out of a small bay (or lagoon) in seaside, stop in at cleanline surfshop and ask the locals how to find it, there is a road that heads north through town, the access road for the beachfront homes, that stops at the lagoon, some parking there, a nice clean wide launch site for both oceon riding and during high tide, for riding in the river mouth.
the bottom is sandy and soft, but beware of the sandbar on the far (north) side of the river, it can hide under an inch of water at ebb and hang you up.
thanks to the people who put this site together and to the riders who share their experience with us newer riders-we stand on your shoulders brahs, and we love ya' for it.
jim |

Since 09 Mar 2005
2096 Posts
Tue May 10, 05 1:00 pm |
Excellent flat water. Access from "little beach" on the north side via through Gearheart (don't speed in Gearheart, tickets valuable revenue source for this little hamlet town). Beach access from the north with a car stops at 10th st. Can't drive on 2 1/2 mile section from 10th st down to the north shore of the river. South access is gained through neighborhood streets in seaside. Stop by the surf shop, say hi, buy something (got to support the local shops because they are the lifesavers in the time of need) and get the directions. Fun little area.  |
Since 16 Mar 2005
761 Posts
Portland, Or
Tue May 10, 05 3:50 pm |
hey fellas,
thanks. i get to the coast about once a month in the summer so, i will have to try this one sometime.
kt |
Dr Sloth
Since 05 Mar 2005
27 Posts
Wed May 11, 05 7:48 am |
Just want to put this info out as to inform. Currently, all the major talk for the push to ban areas for the Snowy Plover has calmed down. This does not mean it will not resurface as it has the last couple of years.
One of the areas the State and Plover supporters are trying to ban is on the north side of the Necanicum river. Ban would =
Quote: | While these areas have lived with seasonal limitations for the last few years, the proposed list adds new restrictions for March 15 � September 15:
On the dry sand ... no walking, horseback riding, and other activities. The wet sand remains open.
Motor vehicles of any kind not permitted |
You can see the enire link here: Oregon State Parks and Recreation:Department Administration - Plovers and Beaches
Do not be fooled by the the maps shown on the above link. Those maps do not show the entire area but the text does indicate what areas are at stake.
I am by no means asking people not to use the Necanicum river as I will be there myself. I am asking kiters to be respectful of the people around north Seaside and south Gearhart and try to stay away from the extreme north side of the Necanicum river (bay area) as that is where they spotted a Snowy Plover nesting 5 years ago. Who knows what would happen if one of the ban supporters started saying that kiters were scaring Plovers away from that north Necanicum river area. Some of the ban supporting people want complete restrictions around this area.
To be honest, my main concern is not if the Necanicum river area gets banned. If you look at the areas the link has indicated for possible bans, they are pointing at areas from Clatsop spit down to Necanicum spit and this is my main fear. If some people get their way, a complete ban would be put in place for that entire area. Worse case would mean no cars, dogs or kites. And only walking would be allowed up to the high tide area. It looks like they want that kind of restriction from March 15 - September 15, the best time for kiters to be in that area.
Thanks for taking the time to read this everyone. _________________
Wed May 11, 05 9:06 am Dinner |
I hear deem Plovers make for good eatin... |

Since 09 Mar 2005
2096 Posts
Wed May 11, 05 11:35 am |
Good info Dr. Sloth, thx. Access from the North takes way longer anyway.
taste of the Snowy Plover is kindda between that of a spotted owl and a bald eagle [/quote] |
Dr Sloth
Since 05 Mar 2005
27 Posts
Wed May 11, 05 12:54 pm Re: Dinner |
Anonymous wrote: | I hear deem Plovers make for good eatin... |
hehe. There will be a bit of irony here if these bans ever go into effect because you may not be able to ever see/find a Snowy Plover in this area to taste how good eat'n they are. You may have to stick with sea gulls, crows or fox. Wait, aren't those animals all predators?
The one and only Snowy Plover for President!!! _________________

Since 31 Mar 2005
1214 Posts
Wed May 11, 05 5:14 pm |
Guess I should pipe in here and also add that there is in effect a ban on kiteboarding on the books in Seaside per Dr. Sloth's comments, e.g. wet sand only (South of the Necanicum to Tillamook Head). It's not enforced but the area everyone is talking about could easily become too crowded due to the fact that this is very busy with tourists during the high season. It will take only one incident to trigger an anti-kiteboarding campaign. If you are new to kiting and still in the "Wow! This thing is powerful" stage, head North of 10th Street in Gearhart. This is the only beach where driving is allowed (BTW, you can't get even close to the Necanicum in any motorized vehicle) and it's wide open. Plenty of room for everyone to shred, plus it is generally much less crowded with beachcombers and the like.
Have fun! |