
Since 18 Mar 2005
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Fri Sep 25, 09 6:48 am Board Meeting Minutes - Sept 2009 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes: September 11th, 2009
Port of Hood River Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Nicole Doolittle, Mark Barnes, Henry Rico, Pepi Gerald, Forrest Rae, Henry Rico, Nate Appel,
Absent: Jim Grady, Adam Monaghan, Brett Kelly, Steve Fisher, Janet Erjavac
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President, Mark Barnes
Last meeting minutes were amended and approved via email a copy was emailed to all board members.
Open member discussion �
Old Business �
Last meeting minutes pass via email.
Motion made to remove Brett Kelly from the BOD. He can appeal this decision by coming to the next meeting and talking to the board. He can reapply for the BOD next year if he would like.
Treasurer Report
Nothing changed need to pay State of Oregon License. Maybe see if we can find an account that can generate interest during the winter.
Had a few members since that meeting join. Maybe we should start a CGKA facebook page. Then we could keep people updated and announce CGKA events. Nicole will start a facebook for CGKA.
Need to update the CGKA membership flyer.
Motion made to give $40 to the sponsor AWSI video with CGKA logo for advertisement. Motion passed. $40 given to for the video advertisement.
Pepi talked to Andrew from OSP. He is trying to get a meeting and do a clean up this fall. Plan is too clean up then maybe lay down some wood chips or grass to make it more kiter friendly. Andrew wants to keep it a small work group. He will have a few workers to help and run the equipment.
On Sept 24th Forrest is meeting with a representative from State of Washington who handles water access over railroad tracks. He is from Puget Sound and has litigated with residence up there.
There is an opening for the Waterfront Recreation Committee. We need a board member from the CGKA to represent the values of the CGKA. Forrest nominated to rep CGKA on the WFRC. Motion made and passed to have Forrest represent the CGKA on the WRC.
Event Site
We need to make a stance to get the ball rolling. Due to rapid growth of kiting and area 6 which caters to windsurfing, we should look at pump and dry section that�s bigger preferably half the Event Site.
Proposal for pump and dry half the Event Site - Second row of trees and put a new trench.
Keeping launch and landing rules the same as present. (Off season access Oct 1st � April 30th)
Follow thru with signage � need them to be right by the trees. Simpler sign.
Pepi � the WRC are going to have the sheriff watching the area.
They need to remark the 5mph safety zone. More buoys to mark off the area. Have a buoy at the point (jetty), one in the middle and one by the beach. It would be nice to have a buoy with a 5mph marking on it. It�s a multi use area so it�s important to make all recreation uses maintain a speed under 5 mph.
We should remake the sign that has like 5 bulletin points so they are very clear.
Make a sign that has a kiter drawing that states - Don�t be a kook follow the rules.
Three signs � one that by the tree (don�t be a kook), one by the sidewalk, one to the west a bit more. One sign that states - please keep access clear for kite access.
Mark will email the new information on the CGKA board members to the Port.
We need to compose a letter in regards to our recommendation to relief pressure on the sandbar.
Forrest researched how other places teach.
Nate � Real is shallow water all lesson are taught by jetskis. Public use is the priority, Real and commercial business is second to the public.
Texas � They have plenty of beach but they teach with jetskis. The water is super shallow yet they still teach of jetskis.
Seattle � They take student way out into deep water. They put student on back with kite high and drive them out.
Pepi � to get rid of some congestion might be worth trying to get Marina for lessons.
Forrest � High capacity time July to Labor Day (excluding 4th of July) 10 am and 2 pm for lessons only.
Mark � the northwest corner is would be terrifying if you were trying to take lessons. It would be nice if you were paying all the money for lessons to be out on the water.
Pepi - We should talk to the Port and ask them questions.
� Why are there a limit to schools?
� Is there a limit to amount of instructors a school can have?
� How can we keep this safe for everyone?
� Is there a standard set up for the schools/amount of instructors currently?
� How many students can they teach at a time?
� Here�s what people are asking us�how is the port attending to the volume control?
� We cant have access at the hook we only have the Sandbar and it�s packed. What can we do? Where can the kiters go?
Here are the ideas from the last meeting
� Enforcement of schools wearing something bright shirts and students need to have a bright colored helmet.
� Jet skis � must be a phased in plan, moorage for the jetski, buoys for the skis and anchors
� Short Lines
� Teaching from Marina
� Time slots
� Limiting how many instructors at one time or they are at the jetski away from the Sand bar
� What about The Port providing a jetski �life guard�
� Research how other parts of the country teach (California, Florida, Texas & Hatteras)?
� Keep people out of the kiddy pool
� Must be able to swim before kiting
Year End Party
Janet got the permit we have the Sandbar all night. We are locking the gate at midnight.
A car can go down there. Party starting 5pm.
Mark meeting adjourned 9:00 pm |