
Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Wed May 19, 10 5:15 pm Board Meeting Minutes: April 2010 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes: April 2010
Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Nicole Holmstrand, Pepi Gerald, Forrest Rae, Nate Appel, Janet Erjavac, Nick, Mark Barnes, Mike
Absent: Tom
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Meeting called to order at 7:11 p.m. by President, Mark Barnes
Open member discussion –
Marina Chang called in about setting up a demo day. She has some connections with sponsorships and put it together quickly.
Her demo day works because they have lots of industry backing.
CGKA - Maybe we can do it next year we need to get feedback.
Newsletter –
Write a bio and newsletter article. Ask Nate & get news articles to Nate next week.
$50 for business gets on the newsletter and webpage for them.
We should look at what surfrider foundation does.
Membership ideas –
Figure out who are CGKA members and add something to nwkite to indicate it.
Mark checking into getting more stickers made.
Nick and Nak membership committee
Raffle for a membership drive. Get the local companies and local kite companies and use them as raffle items. Put them online and make it so only members can bid on it. Wouldn’t have to be present to win. Auction could be something to think about for a membership drive.
The Port has some gear that’s from the lost and found that they want to give it to us.
Every member gets a raffle ticket. The winner has to pay for shipping.
Motion made for Nick to put together a proposal regarding a raffle. We will give it our July 2nd at our first party.
Could have the shops collect membership and we could make a contest for which shop get the most membership.
Adam is going to be the secretary. Motion approved.
Marina –
Last time they talked to Mike about when they will have a meeting to present to the board. Should be with in the next week and half, Nick is presenting to the Waterfront Rec Committee. It’s in process currently.
Meeting adjourned 9:27 pm _________________ Join the CGKA! Membership is only $10! Sign up at |