
Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Wed May 19, 10 5:15 pm Board Meeting Minutes: April 2010 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes: April 2010
Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Nicole Holmstrand, Pepi Gerald, Forrest Rae, Nate Appel, Janet Erjavac, Nick, Mark Barnes, Mike
Absent: Tom
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Meeting called to order at 7:11 p.m. by President, Mark Barnes
Open member discussion �
Marina Chang called in about setting up a demo day. She has some connections with sponsorships and put it together quickly.
Her demo day works because they have lots of industry backing.
CGKA - Maybe we can do it next year we need to get feedback.
Newsletter �
Write a bio and newsletter article. Ask Nate & get news articles to Nate next week.
$50 for business gets on the newsletter and webpage for them.
We should look at what surfrider foundation does.
Membership ideas �
Figure out who are CGKA members and add something to nwkite to indicate it.
Mark checking into getting more stickers made.
Nick and Nak membership committee
Raffle for a membership drive. Get the local companies and local kite companies and use them as raffle items. Put them online and make it so only members can bid on it. Wouldn�t have to be present to win. Auction could be something to think about for a membership drive.
The Port has some gear that�s from the lost and found that they want to give it to us.
Every member gets a raffle ticket. The winner has to pay for shipping.
Motion made for Nick to put together a proposal regarding a raffle. We will give it our July 2nd at our first party.
Could have the shops collect membership and we could make a contest for which shop get the most membership.
Adam is going to be the secretary. Motion approved.
Marina �
Last time they talked to Mike about when they will have a meeting to present to the board. Should be with in the next week and half, Nick is presenting to the Waterfront Rec Committee. It�s in process currently.
Meeting adjourned 9:27 pm _________________ Join the CGKA! Membership is only $10! Sign up at |