
Since 18 Mar 2005
1823 Posts
PDX/ White Salmon
XTreme Poster
Wed Jun 23, 10 7:39 am Board Meeting Minutes: May 2010 |
Columbia Gorge Kiteboarding Association
Meeting minutes May 7, 2010
Call to order at 7:15
Attendance: Mark, Pepi, Darren, Forrest, Nicole, Nate, Adam
Old business:
Nicole is still working on CGKA’s 501c3 status. More to come later in the meeting.
No other old business
Nick and Mike (membership committee) not in attendance to give update on gear from vendors being donated for membership drive purposes.
Facebook up to about 250 friends.
Adding “CGKA member” below people’s NWKite avatar was a good idea, should make sure that continues and is updated as new members join.
Business memberships will be $50 for this year. Everyone agreed to keeping the business membership concept simple this year but that the CGKA should work on expanding it in the future. For now biz members will get stickers and link on web.
Membership brochure almost finished. Adam will take board’s comments and revise brochure to be approved before next meeting.
Treasury report:
Darren and Nicole are still working on shifting treasury duties to Darren. Board recommended that Darren do a “Green Sheet” and have a small report ready at each meeting with account activity.
Status of documents from past treasurers is disorganized and needs to be kept more official. No current members are at fault, but it is something the board needs to work on shaping up and keeping up in the future.
Waterfront Rec:
Waterfront Recreation Committee is working on safety zone in front of the Event Site. Zone will be 200 feet from the end of the jetti. Port plans to place new buoys to mark the safety zone.
Memorandum of Understanding between Port/Waterfront Rec. Committee and Department of State Lands was voted on and passed.
Mark has been working on new decals for CGKA members. After comparing options, those in attendance unanimously decided on one design.
Mark requested CGKA funding to purchase $250 worth of stickers- 50 white, 50 black and 25 pink at a cost of $2 per sticker. Board voted unanimously to approve the funding.
Committee discussed but did not vote on stickers being sold at $5 each, with a share of that profit going to local shops if they choose too sell them.
Committee made the point that the stickers should be fairly cheap as they are more for generating visibility than for making money.
Those involved with events were asked to give Mark an updated schedule so he can update the web site.
Blowout was briefly discussed and Nicole and Mark agreed to help with organizing it if needed.
501c3 status:
Seems to be some important issues that need to be worked out with CGKA’s records before it can become 501c3 non-profit. Some problems created by past leadership need to be “fixed” in order to cleanly move on.
Pepi agreed to talk to Mike FitzSimos (lawyer) and ask for advice.
Committee will need Lawyer and certified accountant on paperwork to become 501c3.
Meeting called to an end at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes kept by CGKA secretary Adam Lapierre _________________ Join the CGKA! Membership is only $10! Sign up at |