
Since 16 Jun 2006
1831 Posts
Pure Stoke Sports
Shop Owner
CGKA Member
Thu Jan 20, 11 9:02 am |
Sorry about this post not being answered any sooner. Thought that someone had already responded to this question.
Rowena -
The CGKA BOD(Board of Directors) has had some extensive meetings about site improvement possibilities for Rowena, with the understanding that improvements can only be within the boundaries of just making safety improvements, but the BOD currently lacks a person with the time to act as a Launch Site Liaison.
This next month, the CGKA will be replacing at least 4 positions on the Board of Directors, so there could be good possibility of someone new coming to the BOD with an interest in working on the Rowena Launch opportunity.
OR, if someone who is a CGKA member (does not have to be a BOD member) was interested in working with the CGKA BOD in the role of Site Liaison representative for Rowena, that opportunity is very much available for any interested persons.
If someone were interested in this sort of opportunity or position, all they would have to do is contact the CGKA and come to a BOD meeting.
If you have any questions, please send me or any of the other BOD members a PM and we'd be glad to help you out.
Thank you
Pepi Gerald
VP CGKA _________________ Pure Stoke Sports
Hood River, OR |