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Any Eugene foilers (or kiters, or surfers) here??

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Since 17 Mar 2008
24 Posts

PostThu Mar 02, 23 3:07 pm    Any Eugene foilers (or kiters, or surfers) here?? Reply with quote

What's up everyone!

I'm Trevor, and grew up/started kiting in Manzanita about 20 years ago... My mom owned Wandas Cafe in Nehalem so if you've ever eaten there I probably cooked or served you your food Smile

Anyway my family just moved to Eugene a few months ago and I'm stoked to get the south coast a little more dialed. Hoping to make it out to Florence and the surrounding areas a ton this season. I would love any info on the areas if you have a fav spot or areas to avoid.

Also this season I got a wing setup AND prone foil setup and will be attempting to learn this whole foil thing as best as possible. I'm 37 now so not as young as I once was but still be decent shape so fingers crossed. Anyone in Eugene foil or learning to foil I'd love to connect with ya! I have a few trips to Floras planned to accelerate the learning curve.

I have two young boys (1&3) but a pretty flexible schedule so hoping to see you in the water! Also if there are any surf dads on here with young kids as well that want to hang!

From what I've read Fern ridge isn't the best for Kiting as far as launches go but is the wind enough to wing? Planning to check it a bunch this season but seems like the wing foil setup there could have potential... if not I'm headed to the coast.


Very Happy

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Since 09 Mar 2005
2096 Posts

PostThu Mar 02, 23 3:48 pm     Reply with quote

Contact "blowhard" aka John. He lives in Florence and Springfield (I think?). He also has a friend (John) who comes from eugene to kite in F-town.

Also, "registered" lives in Eugene, or at least used to. I think his real name is Jason.

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Since 26 Dec 2005
2026 Posts


PostFri Mar 03, 23 6:55 am     Reply with quote

I learned in the Siuslaw , this is my second season, I'm up and going , and falling a lot


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Since 17 Mar 2008
24 Posts

PostFri Mar 03, 23 8:40 am     Reply with quote

Right on! Thanks you guys, John I just sent you a pm...

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Since 23 Sep 2005
549 Posts
Cascadia - Seattle - Encinitas

PostThu Mar 09, 23 5:24 pm     Reply with quote

I windsurfed as a kid in fern ridge a lot
skipped a lot of school too ha
1986 to 90
it has definite potential for winging
I plan to bring gear when I visit family there

Patented ultra durable
Cush skinned boards
Soft shell outside - eps and basalt cloth inside
Memory foam rails

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Since 12 Nov 2008
1320 Posts
Da Hood & Da Wood
XTreme Poster

PostFri Mar 10, 23 9:34 am     Reply with quote

Fern Ridge gets pretty light wind but has a few launches I've windsurfed out of (back ~2000). It's shallow in places, but you could probably wing there. Odd wind directions from what I remember, though, so maybe not best to learn winging. (Walking in the water was pretty silty and difficult and not hard-packed from what I recall).

Also windsurfed in the Suislaw (I think), back when I lived in Corvallis and drove all around to find and try spots (Sweet Home Reservoir, Waldo Lake, etc.). From what I recall there was a rocky ledge we dangled our feet over and water-started from - used to freak my girlfriend out by saying, "I wonder what sea creatures are under there...".

Damn that was long ago now...

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Since 29 Jul 2013
22 Posts

PostMon Mar 13, 23 7:07 pm     Reply with quote

I live in Florence and have dabbled in kiting, now winging. I’m definitely down for getting some wind with good people. I live on the river just about a quarter mile west of the bridge and can get good wind off our beach, but it’s flukey nearshore, with typically best winds (northwesterlies) being on the far half of the water.

So getting a kite launched and dragging out was beyond my skill level. I’m hoping it will be simpler/easier to taxi out on a wingfoil setup. I have a boat on Siltcoos Lake that my bros and I have done a little tow foiling behind.

I had a decent setup, second hand, except the board, but decided to take advantage of a great set price from GoFoil on a more beginner friendly rig. I hope my family joins in before long.

My “kids” are 21 and 18.

Drop a line sometime.

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