Since 12 Nov 2008
1320 Posts
Da Hood & Da Wood
XTreme Poster
Mon Sep 09, 24 5:14 pm OT: Breeze-By lane cutting - you idiots suck. |
I know you're special, but it's ridiculous (and dangerous). Tonight I witnessed a white Subaru wagon use the right turn lane, cross the intersection, and accelerate to cut the car in front of me, egregiously unsafely. At that moment (with nobody in the toll lane) the V-dub wagon that just passed the line of cars behind me signals to cut over... nope!
Two things:
1) Dashcam footage with Suby's plate has been sent to the Sheriff's depts (with Port copied).
2) The toll lane has a transponder too. 🙄 😖
Please don't be an impatient A-hole.  |