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Baja Safety Warning

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Since 19 May 2005
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Site Lackey

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PostWed Mar 19, 25 10:54 am    Baja Safety Warning Reply with quote

Warning: I just got robbed/scammed of a thousand pesos at the last Pemex on Highway 1 before the SJD airport turn off. (Coming from La Ventana.) The gas bill was $989 pesos, so I gave the guy a thousand and said thanks. He then immediately palmed that bill, and produced a 20 claiming that that's what I gave him. I laughed and said "No I gave you a thousand." Instantly, obviously pre-planned, I was surrounded by four or five employees. They were somewhat threatening and I think if I would have pushed things it very easily could have escalated. So I gave him another thousand, told him to fuck off, and left. Avoid that Pemex, and be warned that this same behavior may start showing up at other gas stations. Be prepared.

I know this has been a long time scam in Baja, and especially at this particular station. I'm posting a warning because these guys are upping their game. It used to be just a scam, now however the threat of violence was implicit. We both knew what bill I gave him--he palmed it right in front of me. This was more of a robbery than a scam--albeit a small robbery. That said, If they're escalating to the threat of violence instead of relying on a scam, then it stands to reason that larger robberies are on the horizon. Avoid this Pemex at all costs.

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Wind Slither

Since 04 Mar 2005
2608 Posts
The 503

PostWed Mar 19, 25 1:04 pm     Reply with quote


That sucks Nak! I'd definitely call that a robbery.

I think I've also used my visa at the pump for gas and most other things down there....maybe the better way to pay?

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Since 25 Sep 2011
613 Posts


PostWed Mar 19, 25 3:38 pm     Reply with quote

There was just a similar report on either the BPE or Facebook Everyting Los Barriles, don’t remember which. But same setup, thousand no twenty , surrounded by other ‘employees’. He Also paid so it is a new twist on an old scam, probably get worse. And they scam credit cards as well but differently.
Hold the thousand up, show him the thousand while you are still holding it and say, un mil, si?
And yes, it sucks, Bienvenidos a baja!

curiously observing blurry patterns while slightly distracted

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Since 19 May 2005
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PostWed Mar 19, 25 4:14 pm     Reply with quote

knotwindy wrote:
There was just a similar report on either the BPE or Facebook Everyting Los Barriles, don’t remember which. But same setup, thousand no twenty , surrounded by other ‘employees’. He Also paid so it is a new twist on an old scam, probably get worse. And they scam credit cards as well but differently.
Hold the thousand up, show him the thousand while you are still holding it and say, un mil, si?
And yes, it sucks, Bienvenidos a baja!

Yeah, that FB post was me, LOL.

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Since 19 May 2005
4269 Posts
Site Lackey

CGKA Member

PostWed Mar 19, 25 4:20 pm     Reply with quote

Wind Slither wrote:

That sucks Nak! I'd definitely call that a robbery.

I think I've also used my visa at the pump for gas and most other things down there....maybe the better way to pay?

I know that one of the gas stations in Los Barriles--I forget which one--starts making fraudulent charges on your credit card before you're even out of the parking lot. I'm guessing the Airport Pemex is likely doing the same thing. You can dispute the charges, but the fraud happens so fast that the CC company locks out your card pretty quickly. So then you're without that card for the rest of your trip.

From now on, I'm going to have a wallet with just enough to pay for the gas in it. Then if they steal the change, BFD. Pull the wallet out, show them that's all I have, and tell them to keep the change. I usually tip anyway, because the honest guys don't make a lot.

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Since 09 Mar 2005
2097 Posts

PostWed Mar 26, 25 9:41 am     Reply with quote

I remember filling up the rental car down around the airport in Cabo and asking for it to be filled up. They purposefully didn't fill it so when I returned the car we would get dinged for the super expensive gas at the rental car agency.

There is always a scam out there. . . Be watchful and careful.

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